A careful observation of our universe reveals how the Creator has established and embedded within it certain laws of success. Everything created in the universe was designed for success. Thus, success is understood primarily in terms of the extent to which the created thing functions in close synchrony with the original intent of the Creator. For example, the sun is successful as long as it continues to perform its function of supplying the Milky Way Galaxy with ultraviolet radiations which are critical to the effective functioning of other planets and living entities in the galaxy. The sun would become a failure the day it ceases to perform this function and the ultimate consequence would be the death of our Milky Way and extinction of all life forms existing in it. In essence, every created thing was designed to be successful and make other created things successful and that includes humankind. However, in order to be successful in any endeavour in life, one needs to understand and master some key principles or laws of success. Let’s begin with the first four laws of success:
- The Law of Purpose
Every created thing in the universe has a purpose or function to perform. For instance, there is a purpose for every galaxy, star, planet, asteroid, comet, moon, virus, bacteria, fungi, insect, reptile, bird, mammal, or human being in the universe. Biologists describe this purpose principle with the word “Physiology”, and Ecologists call it “Niche”. Physiology is the function performed by a cell, tissue, organ or organ system and niche is the role played by the organism in its habitat. An important sub-principle in relation to the law of purpose is the Inter-relatedness of purposes. By this I mean, that all purposes are interconnected. For example, the purpose of the sun is connected to that of the planets. The sun must be static, possessing a huge mass, and positioned at some unique distance in the Galaxy in order to enable the other smaller planets to become dynamic and mobile in their orbits according to Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation. The movement of planets, for instance, earth, is also related to the frequent cycles of day and night and the alternating cycles of seasons (i.e., autumn, winter, summer, spring) we have. The four seasons also affect several aspects of human life, including agricultural activities, traveling, and the activities of the aviation industry, telecommunication, housing and human settlements and even employment or job schedules in some countries. The principle of the Inter-relatedness of Purpose is also true concerning every human being. Our purposes are inter-related and what one individual, group, community and nation does, whether good or evil, tend to often have some concomitant consequences on the others. This is one of the main reasons for trans-border conflicts, and the so-called global governance agenda, and all the global fora, debates, and discussions concerning the need to foster international collaborations in order to promote peace and global sustainable development. The principle of the Inter-relatedness of Purpose also accounts for why some international organizations such as the United Nations meet annually to deliberate upon various global issues of universal interest such as climate change, global warming, terrorism, the mass proliferation of arms, and cybersecurity, just to mention a few.
- The Law of Design & Potentials
Everything wasn’t only created to succeed by fulfilling a unique purpose, they were also designed with the inherent ability and capacity to succeed. For example, the sun was designed to specifically possess hydrogen and helium nuclei which constantly undergo thermonuclear radioactive decay to produce heat, energy, and light in our Milky Way Galaxy. Every single virus, bacteria, plant or animal was designed to perform their unique roles in the universe. Biologists refer to this design principle as anatomy. In order words, every human being was designed by the Creator to possess certain inherent capabilities and potentials for fulfilling their purposes. The onus, however, lies on each individual to discover their inherent potentials by seeking to understand themselves, and unveiling their purposes by understanding the mind, intent and decrees of the Creator.
- The Law of Vision
Vision is a glimpse into purpose and potentials. Your vision for your life is something you discover, develop and deploy over time and during your lifetime. Vision is a clear mental portrait of the future. Until you have clearly seen in your mind’s eye your future, there is no way you can get there. Vision is like your ultimate destination in life, it gives you a picture of your end, your glory. In order to discover your vision in life, you need to first understand your purpose, design and potentials. There are a number of principles one needs to master in order to succeed in the fulfillment of their life’s vision. I will deal with that in a later post. But, here is a list of some of the principles for vision accomplishment:
- Write down your vision
- Make sure your vision is very specific, clear and understandable.
- Communicate the vision
- Be patient and humble in the pursuit of the vision.
4.The Law of Passion
Passion is the driver of vision. Without it, you will easily give up on your dreams for a number of reasons such as not having enough money or financial support, opposition from friends and family, personal frustrations, or lack of enough education, experience or exposure. There is no reason good enough to cause you to quit your vision. If you are sure your vision is born out of the Creator’s purpose for your life and it is going to benefit humanity, you need to work very hard, oftentimes in the midst of very harsh and painful circumstances to get the vision accomplished. As a matter of fact, one of the acid tests of the authenticity of your vision is the number of attacks or oppositions that rise up against it. If your vision hasn’t yet been attacked, wait for it, it will surely come. If your vision never faces any opposition, it is probably not an authentic, others-promoting, positive vision, but rather a fake, self-gratifying, negative dream. Why am I talking about the enemies of, or the opposition to vision in relation to the law of passion? This is because Passion is one of the key forces that will give you energy and strength in the midst of the oppositions, trials, testings, difficulties, and frustrations. If you are not passionate about your vision, it will never be accomplished.
In this synoptic article, we have learned about the first four laws of success, namely;
- The Law of Purpose-which refers to the original intent of the Creator for everything created.
- The Law of Design & Potentials- this law teaches that every created thing has been carefully and excellently designed and created by the Creator with certain inherent capabilities necessary for purpose fulfilment.
- The Law of Vision-Vision is your purpose in pictures. It shows you the end, the destination, what you will and can become if you commit yourself fully to the pursuit of your purpose.
- The Law of Passion-Passion is like the fuel of an automobile engine, without it the car cannot move. If you are ever going to succeed in your vision, you need to develop a very strong passion for it.
In my next post, we will study the next four Laws of Success!!!
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