The Journal of Technology, Engineering, Management & Computational Sciences (JOTEMACS) is an International Scholarly Journal published by the TREMMBiT Consult, Accra Ghana. As an international journal, it publishes professional and scholarly research articles in the fields of technology, engineering, management and computational sciences.
JOTEMACS is a quarterly refereed publication. It upholds the principles of objectivity and integrity in research and believes that the results of research must be disseminated, for the knowledge put out by research is of great relevance to human development and progress. In selecting papers for publication, JOTEMACS seeks a balance between relevance and rigour and theory application.
Based on the sources of these contributions, it can be said that JOTEMACS continues to receive phenomenal readership from Ghana, Africa, Europe, Asia, and North America. Libraries in particularly Africa have shown keen interest in the Journal and are subscribing to it.
The JoTEMaCS is pleased to continue making humble contributions to both the academic and professional business community in Africa and beyond. By exploring critical and topical issues in business management, technological innovation, engineering and the computational sciences issues in both developed and developing countries, the JoTEMaCS hopes to continue to benchmark the best practices and ideas in research that can impact on business and transform human lives and diverse communities in developing, emerging, transitional, and advanced political economies.